Blijf in controle met Contract Lifecycle Management
Softwarebedrijven verliezen jaarlijks ongeveer 8% van hun omzet door slecht contractbeheer - gemiste facturen, onjuiste indexeringen en niet geregistreerde gebruikersnummers zijn veelvoorkomende problemen. Docfield vereenvoudigt contractbeheer in elke fase, van sjablonen tot handtekeningen en verlengingen.
For software companies, some 8% of revenue leaks away annually due to inadequate contract management. Licenses sometimes go uninvoiced, indexations are not applied or are applied incorrectly, and user numbers are not accurately recorded.
Every software company will recognise these problems. With Docfield, we have therefore developed an application in which you can manage your contracts integrally. From templates to signature and from management to renewal: Docfield helps you manage every phase of your contracting.