
The importance of contract lifecycle management

In this first episode of Doctalks, Adriaan Hoogduijn, commercial director at Docfield, talks about the importance of contract lifecycle management. This includes managing contracts throughout their lifecycle, including drafting, signing, managing and renewing contracts.

Many organisations struggle with effective contract management and often rely on manual processes such as Excel spreadsheets, which can lead to errors. Contract management is sometimes overlooked in favour of sales and customer success, resulting in a lack of focus on the contractual aspects of business relationships.

In the video, Adriaan explains how to automate contract-related tasks to improve productivity, as contract management often consumes a lot of internal resources and time.

With Docfield, you can maintain a single source of truth for contracts, making it easy to track all obligations and relevant data in a centralised dashboard. This professionalises the way companies handle contracts, which has a major impact on their reputation and maturity in the eyes of the outside world.


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