Docfield for Proposals

Close deals faster without the legal admin

Create, send, and e-sign personalized sales proposals in minutes. Eliminate endless email threads with clients and go from crafting to signing proposals in a single solution.
These organisations have already streamlined their document processes

Create proposals in seconds from smart templates

Create powerful templates as the foundation for your documents. Utilise smart fields to import data (e.g. CRM, ERP, PLM) and rule-based logic to instantly craft advanced and personalised proposals.

Template builder

Set yourself up for success by designing smart templates and workflows

Dynamic data views

Extract mission-critical data from smart fields and turn them into actionable insights

Say goodbye to endless back-and-forth emails

Collaborate live with your colleagues and clients within one digital environment. Allow your clients to make suggestions and update your proposal in seconds. Gone are the days of endless emailing and complex version management.

Reduce errors by 90% with a streamlined process

Eliminate version management with Docfield’s advanced template-document relationship and automatic updates. Work in a single environment for creation, collaboration, e-signing, and data extraction.

Template builder

Set yourself up for success by designing smart templates and workflows

Dynamic data views

Extract mission-critical data from smart fields and turn them into actionable insights

Let's get those signatures

All set? Eliminate delays by signing online from anywhere on any device.

Your trusted partner

Docfield seamlessly integrates with your tech stack while ensuring data security. We adhere to industry standards and regulatory requirements, like ISO/IEC 27001, offer secure access management, and host all data in EU-based data centers.
Single sign on
Secure login with SURFconext, OAuth, & Office 365
Uptime guarantee
99.9% platform availability during working hours
All systems operational
Great support
Rapid response with 4-hour resolution for urgent issues
On it, resolving!
4:20 PM
Got a problem...
4:19 PM
Integrate via our API and custom solutions