Docfield for HR

Streamline hiring & onboarding

Automate document creation processes, collaborate seamlessly with legal teams while ensuring compliance, reducing errors and keeping all documents centralised and up to date.
These organisations have already
streamlined their document processes

When contract information is locked in silos, managing it becomes a slow, frustrating process

Dealing with paper-based contracts by hand is slow and can easily lead to errors, delays in hiring, and compliance issues
Inconsistent contract formats lead to unnecessary confusion and inefficiencies
Storing or transferring contract data without proper security can put sensitive information at risk

Accelerate contracting & simplify compliance at scale

Streamline HR operations for contracts and documents by automating complex administrative tasks. This ensures that HR teams can focus on strategic objectives, such as talent management and cultivating a strong organisational culture.
Efficiently draft and prepare documents
Work together seamlessly on document modifications
Expedite review and approval & securely sign documents
Safely store documents to prevent incomplete repositories
Ensure you never miss a deadline with automated reminders
Efficiently draft and prepare documents
Work together seamlessly on document modifications
Expedite review and approval & securely sign documents
Safely store documents to prevent incomplete repositories
Ensure you never miss a deadline with automated reminders
Advantages for HR operations

Docfield helps HR teams to make contract management effortless and efficient while reducing errors and compliance risks

Speed up onboarding

Easily create, manage, review and approve employee contracts and documents, which speeds up the onboarding process and save the time and improve productivity.

Template builder

Set yourself up for success by designing smart templates and workflows

Dynamic data views

Extract mission-critical data from smart fields and turn them into actionable insights

Enhance compliance

Ensure all HR documents are in line with the latest legal requirements and company policies using standardised templates, automated workflows, and secure storage.

Streamline document management

Simplify the creation of HR contracts with easy access, searchability, version control, and centralised document storage.

Template builder

Set yourself up for success by designing smart templates and workflows

Dynamic data views

Extract mission-critical data from smart fields and turn them into actionable insights

Improve collaboration

Enable HR, legal and management teams to work together seamlessly, eliminating communication delays with real-time, in-platform collaboration on documents and templates.

Transform your contracting management process – from complexity to collaboration

What customers are saying

"We aim to incorporate updates to rules, legislation, our portfolio offerings, and pricing into these templates. This robust foundation enables efficient contracting for every new engagement, minimizing mistakes and ensuring a consistent, uniform set of documents."
Edwin Reijnders
Bid Manager
"Since we’ve been using Docfield — we are saving up to 80% time on contracting with enterprise clients.”
Hans Hantson
Business Developer EMEA
"More and more of our departments and faculties choose to work with this software. That is enough said, in my opinion."
Mo van Dijk
Policy officer
"We use Docfield to write OER’s. The authors, commenters & advisors enjoy using the product. As the coordinator, I’m most happy about the ease of use."
Raimond van Mouche
Policy advisor
"It is very nice to keep control of your own formats. And one should not be afraid that it is complicated because it is self-explanatory, and I really like that."
Lisa Markesteijn
Senior Lawyer
"I used to have a bunch of Word documents that I sometimes had to scroll through endlessly, which took a lot of time. Now it's much clearer. You can see at a glance what's done and what's not."
Jennifer van Triest
Secretary at the Institute for People & Business
Want to learn more about how we’ve helped our customers?

Your trusted partner

Docfield seamlessly integrates with your tech stack while ensuring data security. We adhere to industry standards and regulatory requirements, like ISO/IEC 27001, offer secure access management, and host all data in EU-based data centers.
Single sign on
Secure login with SURFconext, OAuth, & Office 365
Uptime guarantee
99.9% platform availability during working hours
All systems operational
Great support
Rapid response with 4-hour resolution for urgent issues
On it, resolving!
4:20 PM
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4:19 PM
Integrate via our API and custom solutions