Contracts that scale

Deliver compliant contracts & documents with Docfield’s collaborative platform

Create better documents in less time

Enhance your efficiency, save valuable time, and reduce legal risks by streamlining your workflow.
With Docfield, all your documents & contracts are accurate and up-to-date, allowing you to focus on the contents of the document.
increase in contract close rate
hours saved per contract
reduction in legal & regulatory risk
14-day free trial
14-day free trial
Seamless onboarding
Quick support
Intuitive UX
AI Assistant
Word import
14-day free trial
Quick support
Intuitive UX
Seamless onboarding
AI Assistant
Word import
14-day free trial
Quick support
Intuitive UX
Seamless onboarding
AI Assistant
Word import

The intelligent document & contract
management platform

Whether you're looking to improve your compliancy, generate complex contracts at scale,
or extract invaluable data from documents – our platform will provide a seamless end-to-end experience.

Create templates

Set yourself up for success by importing or designing smart templates.

Ensure compliance and trust

Build your library of compliant documents using conditional logic, static or editable blocks and global styling.

Real-time collaboration

Collaborate with multiple departments in a safe cloud-based environment, send comments and manage permissions.

Manage workflows and approvals

Manage approval steps, workflows and sign your documents, completely automating your processes.

Sign documents where you create them

Sign your documents online from anywhere on any device

Extract and use your data

Extract mission-critical data from smart fields and turn them into actionable insights.

Transform your contracting management process — from complexity to collaboration.

Smart fields

Create smart fields & capture critical data

What customers are saying

"Since we’ve been using Docfield — we are saving up to 80% time on contracting with enterprise clients.”
Hans Hantson
Business Developer EMEA
"I used to have a bunch of Word documents that I sometimes had to scroll through endlessly, which took a lot of time. Now it's much clearer. You can see at a glance what's done and what's not."
Jennifer van Triest
Secretary at the Institute for People & Business
"More and more of our departments and faculties choose to work with this software. That is enough said, in my opinion."
Mo van Dijk
Policy officer
"We use Docfield to write OER’s. The authors, commenters & advisors enjoy using the product. As the coordinator, I’m most happy about the ease of use."
Raimond van Mouche
Policy advisor
"It’s very convenient for me to have my whole workflow in one place now."
Legal Advisor
"It is very nice to keep control of your own formats. And one should not be afraid that it is complicated because it is self-explanatory, and I really like that."
Lisa Markesteijn
Senior Lawyer
Want to learn more about how we’ve helped our customers?