Published on
June 10, 2022

Docfield’s inspiration day 2022

On May 13, Docfield organized its first physical inspiration day at The Next Web Amterdam, ‘a home game’.

The main goal of the day was to
(1) connect the customer community,
(2) share knowledge on the successful application of our solution and;
(3) discuss further development.

With delegates from 9 institutions, we more than achieved this goal

Participants enjoyed learning from other educational institutions about the use of Docfield within their organisations and the way in which they do this. There was an extensive discussion about the organizational embedding of the solution and process support for specific scenarios in the context of knowledge exchange. In case you missed the inspiration day, we would like to bring you up to date with the most valuable outcomes via this blog-post.

Highlights of the programme

Docfield founder Tim started the day with a general update on the growth, ambitions, and vision of Docfield. This was followed by an extensive explanation of the Docfield roadmap.

1. The layout of Docfield’s roadmap

The public roadmap contains different types of features that are in different stages of development. To prioritize these features, we use the RICE model. RICE stands for Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort, and is an effective proven prioritization framework. A RICE score helps our product managers to quantify the estimated value of a feature or customer idea. The RICE score is therefore also listed per feature on our public roadmap.

RICE has the advantage that every type of customer (both large and small) can have a say in our roadmap. A feature proposal that requires relatively little effort to build and has great impact and reach (read: benefits a large group of users) quickly leads to a high RICE score. Ideas with a higher RICE score are therefore more likely to be implemented.

2.Zuyd University of Applied Sciences about Change Management

Three inspiration sessions from Docfield customers followed Tim’s session. The first session was presented by Raimond van Mouche from Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. From a change management perspective, Raimond provided an answer on how to guide an educational organisation when introducing a new way of working. Lessons learned were shared.

3. Utrecht University about Smart Templates

The second session was given by Jan Thesingh of Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. Jan introduced a smarter design of templates by applying conditional logic. He emphasized why the functionality provides value and when.

Documents can be created more efficiently with the use of conditional logic in templates. The logic allows template editors to show or not show specific blocks to writers based on variables (document input). In this way, one prevents writers from wasting energy and focus on reading superfluous text that is not applicable

Conditional logic can be configured per block (“show as” function) and is enforced on the basis of entered text, data, numbers, drop-down lists and/or smart fields. In this support guide, you can read more about building in the rules for conditional logic.

4. Radboud University about Docfield for NDAs

The third session, zoomed in on a new type of use case from the Radboud University: the Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and was clarified by input from Radboud colleague Mario van der Toorn. Working with NDA templates in Docfield increases the quality and compliance of the agreement. In addition, unwanted discussions between the university (JZ) and the business community (legal teams) are limited. The university thus regains control of the process.


We are very grateful for the enlightening, inspiring sessions given by the speakers. The day ended festively with drinks on the Amstel; a pleasant, informal moment in which the Docfield team became acquainted with the client and vice versa. We look forward to returning to this event annually!

If you would like to learn more about implementation best practices, conditional logic or the NDA use case, we would be happy to take the time to explain. Please reach out to us by e-mail.